Identifying markets for organic tomatoes, and developing agricultural products
Yohai Lazera Farm Ltd
Type of Service
Export of produce from Israel
The Challenge
The Lazra Farm is a producer of organic tomatoes, as well as different types of pumpkin, which are sold mostly to the Israeli market. The primary challenge is to compile export plans for organic tomatoes to Europe, and to identify additional crops for the farm which may be exported as well, in order to ensure the stability of the business.
The Lazra Farm, together with Ambient, are actively looking for opportunities to sell organic tomatoes on the European market, through direct sales or through weekly and monthly plans. In addition, the producer, in cooperation with Ambient, is looking for new crops which can be grown on the farm, such as special types of pumpkin and guava, while openly engaging with prospective clients in order to obtain purchase guarantees in advance.
Financial Activity
NIS 600 thousand annually
Moshav Idan, Arava region, Israel